Important organizations in Telecommunications

 Important organizations in Telecommunications

ITU-T (CCITT)  International Telecommunication Union Telecommunication sector

ITU-R (CCIR) International Telecommunication Union Radio communication sector

ITU-D International Telecommunication Union Development Sector

TEC Telecommunication Engineering Center

RDSO Research Designs and Standards Organization

TCSC Telecommunications Standards Committee

PTCC Power and Telecommunication Co-ordination Committee

WPC Wireless Planning & Co-ordination Committee

SACFA Standing Advisory Committee on Radio Frequency Allocations

ISO International Organization for Standardization

IETF Internet Engineering Task Force

ETSI European Telecommunication Standards Institute

ANSI American National Standards Institute

IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers

NCSSS National Cyber Safety & Security Standards

CERT-in Indian Computer Emergency Team

CyCord  Cyber Coordination Centre

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